Monday, August 30, 2010


I'm gonna try and make this post a little more positive than my last one. Evidently, I was having a pretty crappy day last week :)

Ally had her first soccer practice on Saturday and she was sooo cute. I know I am a little biased, but hey, what Mom aint? It took her a few minutes to warm up to the other kids, but once she did, other than flirting with this little boy named Alex, everything went well.

Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?? Really though, I don't think I could work for a better company. Where else could you work and they allow you to bring your kids to work whenever you want, wear whatever you want, gives you the opportunity to earn 800.00 extra bucks every month, and puts up with a mouth like mine? I have met some amazing people there and look forward to growing within the company. Even though I am the baby and tend to keep the old folks on their toes, its a whole lotta fun. :) I hope everyone gets the opportunity to look forward to going to work every day. *I hope my boss is reading this so I can get a sweet raise*

I guess I better get going and get caught up on some house work. I have a big weekend ahead of me :)

Below is a mini time line of how things happen in my house....1) Wide open 2) Chasing after one another, and last but not least 3) Sit there and act like absolutely nothing happened. Love it :)

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