Sunday, November 1, 2009

33 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!

So its official, exactly 1 month 'til I check into the hospital to have baby girl! Its super crazy how time has just flown by. I know these last 4 weeks are going to drag though. My nerves have had enough and I am freaking out every time I turn around. Oh, speaking of turning around....guess who flipped yesterday and is currently breech? Oh yeah, you guessed it...Miss. Adalyn herself. I couldn't believe it. Actually, you know, nothing surprises me anymore with my children. All 3 of them have all been stubborn just like their mama :).

I really did have more to say, but my mind just went blank. I'm going to blame it on this time change. I was ready to go to bed at 6:30. Lets just keep it at "YAY, 4 weeks to go" and we are counting down. My bag is packed (for the most part), her car seat is in the car, her diaper bag is packed, bottles and clothes have all been washed. All we have to do now is get the swing out and get the living room ready for her. Ally is excited and already talking about showing her her room. Pray for us that we get to bring Adalyn home where she belongs.

1 comment:

  1. Saw your link on babycenter - I think your due date must be close to or the same as mine - Dec 20th. Crazy how close we are to seeing our new little ones... :)
