Sunday, November 15, 2009

Here We Are...

Today marks 35 weeks. I can honestly say that unlike my two previous pregnancies, this one has drug by. The next 2 weeks will be the longest of my life. Here lately, every time I feel Adalyn move, I just sigh in relief. I don't know if my nerves will be able to handle the next couple of weeks. Adalyn will start moving a whole lot getting herself situated or whatever she does in there and I start to panic. The last movement that I felt of Ava's was like that and sometimes I feel like that was her fighting for her life. I have so many emotions running around at one time that I don't know whether or not I am coming or going. I just cant wait to hold Adalyn and tell her just how special she is.

Starting tomorrow, I will have doctor appointments 3 times a week. Hopefully, this will help things go by a little faster, but I highly doubt it. I do know that if Dr. Jacobs decides to put delivery off any longer than December 2nd, I will flip out. He can move it up a little earlier, but no later. I will personally check myself into some kind of facility that deals with outraged pregnant women.

Everything is pretty much ready for Adalyn's arrival though. Her room is ready, clothes are washed, diaper bag packed, my bag is packed (for the most part), bottles have been washed, the swing and bouncy chair are out....her Christmas presents are even wrapped! I think I just want to do a good thorough cleaning of the house one more time before I check in the hospital. I know once we get home, people are going to be running in and out visiting and I'm not going to feel like cleaning.

Well I have a 3 year old that insist on using the computer, so I guess this is it for now. I have some cute pics that I need to post, but have been too lazy to even upload. I promise though, they will be here soon. :)

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