Thursday, November 26, 2009


I have so much to be thankful for this year, but to sum it up....

My 3 beautiful girls: Ally, for being the coolest 3 year old I know. Thank you for bringing joy to my life every single day. Ava, for someone who tiptoed their way into this world, you taught me so much about love. I love and miss you baby girl. Last, but not least, Adalyn...You aren't even here yet, but you have taught me so much about patience. I can't wait to meet you baby!

My wonderful husband: Johnathon, if it wasn't for your amazing strength, I wouldn't be able to make it through each day. You are my back bone and I look forward to growing old with you.

God has been good to me and even though sometimes things don't go as planned, he makes sure we are taken care of. I cannot thank him enough.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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