Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Know, Its Been A While...

I try not to go too long in between posts, but please understand that I am exhausted. By the time I think about posting, I look at the clock and I'm ready for bed. My nerves are shot and I feel like I'm going to literally tip over when I stand up. :o)

Not too much has happened in a week. My appointment with Dr. Jacobs last week was pretty productive. He layed out the plans for my induction which have changed just a little. Instead of me checking in the hospital on December 1st, I will be checking in November 30th and Adalyn will be born on December 1st. She will not be sharing her birthday with her Maw Maw after all. I had my Group B Strep test and while he was doing that, he went ahead and checked to see if I was dilated any....To my surprise, I was a whole 1/2 cm! Anybody that knows me, knows that I don't dilate much on my own so this was HUGE news to me HAHA.

Saturday night, Johnathon and I went and seen New Moon. This was our last date night before we meet Miss. Adalyn. The movie was great to say the least. I could go broke paying to see that movie over and over again. Edward Cullen....Well lets just say....That man is something else. :o)

I have been having contractions on and off since Sunday morning. We'll see today at my doctor's appointment if they have been productive at all. Today, Dr. Jacobs will give us the final plans for next week so we can get everything in order. It's hard to believe that in just a week, I will be holding Adalyn...

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