Monday, November 30, 2009

So This is It

In just a couple of hours, John and I will be heading to the hospital to start our induction. I am a nervous wreck and for some reason, at this moment, I cannot stop crying. I feel Ava so close to me today so I know she is watching over her baby sister.

Ally is taking her nap on the couch and it is so quiet in here. I am trying to soak it all up because I know these moments are going to be few and far between in just a matter of time. I cant wait though. I cant wait to see Ally's face when she meets Adalyn for the first time. She is so excited and is so eager to help out with her. I'm sure she will do a great job.

I want to take the time out to say Thank You to each and every one of you that has kept me and my family in your thoughts and prayers this pregnancy. Losing Ava was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with and the anxiety of this pregnancy has been unreal. I just want to hear Adalyn cry....I want to feel her chest rise and fall with every breath...See her little eyes open for the very first time. To many people, this isn't asking for much, but for me....well this means everything to me. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray that my very next post is announcing the birth of our healthy beautiful little girl. Hugs to you all!

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